When is the Best Time of Year to Move?

Everybody's situation is different. That is why it can be difficult to recommend a specific time of the year for people to move. There are pros and cons to moving during each time of the year.

The Summer

Summer is the most popular time of the year to move. In fact, it is estimated that 60 percent of people move during the summer. This is a convenient time of the year for many people because their children are out of school, and they can take time off from work.

However, there are downsides to moving during this time of the year. This is the busiest time of the year for movers near Philadelphia, PA. That is why it can be harder for you to move during the time that you want. They also charge more during the summer.

The Fall

Fall is a great time to move because the demand is typically lower, so the moving rates are lower. If you are flexible with your move dates and want to save money, then it may be best for you to move during the fall. The downside to moving during the fall is that you may not have as much time.

The Spring

Spring is another popular time to move. People move during the spring because this season often signifies new beginnings. This is a great time to move because the weather is typically nice. It is usually warm and not too cold.

Spring may not be a good time for you to move if you have children. You don't want to have to take them out of school when the year is almost over. Spring is also known as pollen season. This pollen can end up on your clothing and belongings.

The Winter

The winter is another time that you can move if you want to get the best deals from your movers. Not only can moving during the winter save you money on moving, but you may also be able to save money on rent. The rental rates are typically lower during the winter months Furthermore, many storage units are running great specials during this time.

The main downside that comes along with moving during the winter is that it is cold. You may end up getting snow on your belongings. It can also be difficult for you to take your belongings in and out of the cold.


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